Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dear saints,

We have received many letters, phone calls, and emails in the last few days containing testimonies and memories of times spent and fellowship received from brother Dave over the years. We welcome all of these and have decided to open up a public forum for any of the saints to post their testimonies. To do so you may go to:


or if you would like to keep them private we welcome your emails at:


Dave's personal testimony and bio can also be found on the Wordpress site above.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The following arrangements have been made to remember our brother and the Lord's work in him:

Viewing Schedule
Wednesday, January 13 and Thursday, January 14, 2010
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Viewing Location
Rose Hills Mortuary
Rose Hills Memorial Park
3888 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, California
Room 103

Memorial Meeting
Saturday, January 16, 2010
9:30 AM
Living Stream Ministry Campus
2431 W. La Palma Avenue, Building 5
Anaheim, California

The interment will be privately held at Grace Terrace in Rose Hills.

In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to Bibles for America.

The family welcomes your comments and memories of brother Dave. Please feel free to email them to bfadave@gmail.com. They will all be compiled into a booklet for the immediate family to keep.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Update 1/6/09

Dear Saints,

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you all that our dear brother Dave Yowell finished his course and went to be with the Lord whom he loved and served at approximately 9:45 PM this evening at Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, CA. With his family surrounding him, our brother passed away peacefully and in a dignified manner. May we all stand together in prayer for the entire Yowell family, for the saints in San Juan Capistrano, and for those whom he labored with shoulder-to-shoulder at BfA. Our brother’s portion will sorely missed.

Announcements will be forthcoming concerning the plans for the memorial meeting and interment.

On behalf of the Yowell family and BfA,

David Kangas

Further Update

After further testing, Dave has a severe case of pneumonia, and possibly sepsis. The doctor's are treating it with strong antibiotics.

Please pray that the antibiotics would be effective and also that his body would fight the pneumonia.
This morning at about 11, as Dave was getting ready and preparing for his doctor's appointment he passed out going down stairs. Paul and BJ were there, and were able to hold him and prevent him from falling. The paramedics were called, and Dave was brought to the emergency room.

He is stabilized, alert, and aware. The doctors believe it is possible that he has pneumonia. As a result, they are now starting him on antibiotics. Also, he has a low blood count, and because of this he will be receiving a blood transfusion. There are still a number of tests that need to be run.

Currently he is being admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit at the hospital. We are not able to receive visitors, but we will be updating this blog as we get more information.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. It has been a sustaining to our whole family.

As the Lord leads you to pray, please pray for
  • The effectiveness of the antibiotic
  • More energy and strength for Dave
  • A quick recovery and return to the house
  • Dave's breathing to be less labored

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dear Saints,

After some consideration, the family has decided to transfer Dave’s care to a doctor located closer in Orange County. The doctor is a brother in the Lord and will continue to correspond with Dave’s former doctor at Cedars Sinai for his continued care.

Dave is continuing to receive treatments especially to minimize the side effects of the cancer. He is still experiencing nausea, fatigue, regular coughing and difficulty breathing. Due to his weakening condition, we are currently modifying the house to move him from upstairs to downstairs. He misses the saints but is too weak to attend the meetings. He is greatly encouraged by the saints’ emails; feel free to continue writing, although he may not always be able to respond. The best way to reach him or to schedule a visit is to email bfadave@gmail.com.

The whole family has been around this week helping with the house modifications and other practical changes. If you would like to participate in any practical way, please contact Julia Holly (Julia.holly@gmail.com) or Jessica Hsu (jessicapchsu@gmail.com).

Dave’s next set of blood tests will be done on January 6th and will determine our next course of action.

Prayer requests:

1. Continued supply, grace, and encouragement to our brother and his family.
2. The effectiveness of the current treatment to minimize the side effects of the cancer; the ability to take in adequate nourishment.
3. Adjustment to new living arrangements.
4. The Lord to be magnified in our circumstances.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Dear saints,

There have been quite a few developments since our last update. On July 13th, brother Dave received his last round of treatment in the clinical drug trial at Cedar Sinai Medical center in Los Angeles. In October, his CT scan revealed that the cancer had spread to his lungs, liver and spine. His PSA count also increased. As a result, he was disqualified from further participation in the clinical trial.

The last CT scan in December revealed that the cancer has grown and has also spread to his spleen. The largest tumor in his lung increased from 5x3 cm to 10x5cm. His PSA count has increased from approximately 12 to 63 in the short time between October and December.

The family has decided on a course of treatment to help strengthen our brother to fight the cancer and side effects. Currently, his side effects are mainly nausea, fatigue, regular coughing, and difficulty breathing. Thankfully, he is not currently experiencing any pain. We are full of thanks to the Lord for the sustaining prayers of the saints.

If the Lord should lead you to pray, the following are some specific requests:

1. The effectiveness of the treatment to strengthen our brother and to turn the cancer back in the next few weeks. Another PSA test is scheduled for January 6th.
2. Limit the side effects of the cancer as mentioned above.
3. The Lord’s leading and covering for all the practical needs.
4. Our brother’s continued service and function in the Body.

We are not giving up hope but still have faith in the Lord and His Word and pray with God’s economy as our aim.